Validea's Model Portfolios

At Validea, we’ve developed portfolios based on the investment strategies of history’s most successful stock pickers, including Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Martin Zweig, Ken Fisher and Joel Greenblatt. Validea’s industry and country portfolios contain the highest scoring stocks according to our system in each industry or country/region.

Users have the ability to view 10 and 20 stock model portfolios that are changed monthly, quarterly or annually. Changes are made on set dates, making the portfolios changes easy to view and implement. Each portfolio contains the historical and year-by-year performance record, a full set of historical holdings, portfolio positions and changes.

In addition to the guru-centric model portfolios, there are two consensus-based models and a number of country and industry based portfolios (in Validea Professional only) consisting of the stocks that get the highest scores from multiple strategies simultaneously.

The first video below shows our model portfolio performance page and how our model portfolio system works. The second clip is an overview of our model portfolio detail page, which allows you to see the individual holdings in our model portfolios as well as the current top rated stocks. The third is a step by step guide to our model portfolio re-balancing system.


10 & 20 stock model portfolios based on fundamental strategies of Wall Street greats

More on Validea’s guru and consensus-based model portfolios

More on Validea’s disciplined and consistent portfolio re-balancing approach