Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller says we are facing a revolution rooted in a “huge acceleration in the amount of data available to researchers,” which he discusses in his new book…
Day: October 3, 2019
Swedroe: Private Equity Hurts Investor Wealth
While private equity has made some wealthy, recent studies have shown that regular investors have not been the beneficiaries of this wealth. This according to an article by Larry Swedroe…
The Rising Bar for Active Management
By Jack Forehand, CFA (@PracticalQuant) Active managers as a whole have always been pretty bad at their job. Depending on what data source you use and what time frame you…
Private Equity Maybe Be Ripe for Disruption
The decreasing number of public companies and high fees in private markets are creating “the perfect conditions for a passive player to upend private equity,” according to an article in…
A Trick for Better Investing
A recent article in Morningstar discusses how investors can use the laws of psychological distance to their advantage. Psychologically, the article explains, “things that feel close take up more mental…