Top International Managers Staying Defensive

Two international mutual fund managers with stellar long-term track records, Tom Forester and Robert Wyckoff Jr., have been continuing to beat the market recently using defensive approaches.  Forester has outperformed…

Einhorn Says Fed Should Raise Rates

Hedge fund guru David Einhorn says the Federal Reserve’s near-zero interest rate policy is counterproductive, and says it should raise rates to help the economy. Einhorn tells CNBC that low…

Boring Stocks, Big Returns

In his bi-weekly Hot List newsletter, Validea CEO John Reese offers his take on the markets and investment strategy. In the latest issue, John looks at new research that shows “boring”…

ECRI Says U.S. In Recession

Lakshman Achuthan of the Economic Cycle Research Institute says the U.S. economy is in recession. Achuthan, who had been forecasting a recession by mid-2012 for the past several months, tells…

Reese: Don't Shun Europe

In his latest column for, Validea CEO John Reese says that investors who have been fleeing Europe amid the continent’s debt crisis are overlooking some big bargains in European…