In an interview with CNBC’s India affiliate, Yale economist Robert Shiller says that governments across the world should be focused on greater economic stimulus — and put concerns about rising…
Author: Validea
Mauldin: This Time It Really Is Different (Sort Of)
In his latest “Thoughts from The Frontline” newsletter, John Mauldin makes a pretty bold proclamation that goes against a long-held principle of investing — this time, he says, things really…
Oberweis: Don't Ditch Buy-and-Hold
While buy-and-hold investing continues to draw criticism from some pundits, money manager and newsletter guru Jim Oberweis begs to differ. In a recent interview with The Motley Fool, Oberweis says…
Buckingham: "Great Time" for Long-Term Investors to Buy
In the video below, John Buckingham of Al Frank Asset Management — who last week explained why history shows now might be a good time to buy value stocks —…
Leuthold: Pullback Will Be Brief; S&P 1,100 by Year-End
Steven Leuthold, the longtime bear who has turned bullish in recent months, tells Bloomberg news that he doesn’t think the current pullback will run more than 5% or 6%, and…
Nygren: Returns to be "Historically Large"
BusinessWeek recently took a look at the dilemma facing value investors right now — that is, with the economic outlook still extremely hazy, the big recent rally generating predictions of…
Bogle on What "Long-Term" Really Means, and Stock-Picking Dangers
Jack Bogle covers a wide variety of topics in a recent interview with The Motley Fool, including just what the “long-term” in “long-term investing” should mean, why traders usually lose…
10-Year P/E: Stocks at Fair Value
After years of being overvalued by one of the tougher value metrics — the 10-year P/E ratio made famous by Yale economist Robert Shiller — stocks finally appeared undervalued a…
Yes, Green Shoots -- and More, Sonders Says
Like Barry Ritholtz, Charles Schwab Chief Investment Strategist Liz Ann Sonders isn’t buying talk that the recession will end in late 2009 — but that’s because she thinks it has…
Ritholtz: What Green Shoots?
Barry Ritholtz of Fusion IQ and The Big Picture blog thinks the talk of a housing recovery and a general economic recovery are very premature, and that what we’re experiencing…