Getting Contrarian With The Dreman Approach

Every other issue of The Validea Hot List newsletter examines in detail one of John Reese’s computerized Guru Strategies. This latest issue looks at the David Dreman-inspired strategy, which has averaged annual…

Keeping Confirmation Bias at Bay

As emotional creatures, human beings are prone to a multitude of behavioral biases that can help them in daily life, but hurt them badly in the investing world. Even the…

Fisher: Buy on Fear

Kenneth Fisher says that fears of a eurozone collapse and a double-dip recession in the U.S. continue to be overblown, and thinks stocks are positioned well heading into 2012. “Sentiment…

Look Beyond Europe News, Sonders Says

Charles Schwab’s Liz Ann Sonders — whose calls on the start and end of the “Great Recession” proved quite accurate — warns against hyperfocusing on Greece’s debt problems. “Even the…