Don’t count Ken Fisher among those who think oil’s big decline portends economic doom. (more…)
Category: Historical Lessons
Bogle Sees Subpar Returns for Stocks, But Few Alternatives
Jack Bogle says the market seems to be ignoring some big risks in the financial world, and he thinks stocks are poised for a below-average return over the next decade.…
Roundtable: Gross, Herro, Cohen And Others On What To Expect In 2015
A number of the world’s top investment strategists recently gathered for Barron’s annual roundtable to offer their thoughts on where the economy and markets are heading. David Herro, Abby Joseph…
Doll On The Dollar, Oil, And The Fed
A stronger dollar and falling oil prices tend to help the economy, but right now those two factors aren’t helping stocks, Nuveen’s Bob Doll says. (more…)
The Best Sector For The Long Haul Isn't What You Might Think
Every other issue of the Validea Hot List newsletter examines one the investing greats behind John P. Reese’s computerized Guru Strategies. This latest issue looks at the James O’Shaughnessy’s research…
The Small-Cap Effect Lives -- With A Twist
Small stocks have lagged their larger peers over the past decade. But does that mean the “small-firm effect” is dead? Not exactly, says Mark Hulbert in a recent Barron’s column. (more…)
Back To The 90s? Get Ready For Crises Within A Bull, Sonders Says
Charles Schwab’s Liz Ann Sonders says she expects the bull market to roll on, but she wouldn’t be surprised to see some major speed bumps along the way. Speaking at…
How Walter Schloss Became a "Superinvestor"
While not as well known as fellow Columbia University value investors Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham, Walter Schloss produced one of the best stock investing track records ever. And in a…
The Real Reason Why US And Foreign Stocks Trade Leadership
Top strategist Kenneth Fisher says he’s not giving up on foreign stocks, despite the fact that they’ve lagged during the bull market. (more…)
Paulsen: Look Deeper at Valuations
Nearly six years into the bull market, the S&P 500 is trading at somewhat elevated but far from euphoric valuations. But in a recent note, Wells Capital’s James Paulsen says…