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Category: Historical Lessons
O'Shaughnessy on Investor Psychology, Bond Market Trouble, and Why Value Wins
In a wide-ranging interview with Barry Ritholtz on Bloomberg View, quantitative investing guru James O’Shaughnessy recently talked about why human beings are such inferior prognosticators compared to computer models, what that…
Top Bond Fund Manager Likes Stocks
Top bond investor Kathleen Gaffney thinks bonds are very risky, and has made stocks and cash a major part of her portfolios. (more…)
Sonders: Secular Bull Rolling On, But Don't Get Greedy
Charles Schwab Chief Investment Strategist Liz Ann Sonders thinks the US is still well positioned compared to the rest of the world, but she also thinks it’s not a time…
Fisher On The Impact Of War On Markets
While many investors are worried that several conflicts around the globe will mean disaster for stocks, Kenneth Fisher says history offers a different lesson. (more…)
Benjamin Graham's Lasting Legacy
Benjamin Graham is known as the Father of Value Investing, and this video from the Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing at Columbia Business School offers a great look…
Mauboussin On "Hitting .400" In Today's Investing World
In a great interview with Barry Ritholtz on Bloomberg View, Michael Maboussin of Credit Suisse and Columbia University offered some intriguing insights into the role of luck in investing, and…
Embrace Imperfection
All investors wish they could be right all the time, or something close to it. But in his latest for Seeking Alpha, Validea CEO John Reese says that trying to…
The Investor's Diving Board Dilemma
To jump or to tiptoe, that is the question. In a recent piece for the New York Times, Jeff Sommer looks at the issue of whether investors looking to deploy…
Correction Timing A Dangerous Game, Ritholtz Says
Trying to predict the next market correction? Barry Ritholtz has some advice for you: Don’t. (more…)