In an interview with Bloomberg View’s Barry Ritholtz, Research Affiliates’ Rob Arnott recently talked about the fundamental indexing approach that he pioneered. (more…)
Category: Historical Lessons
Don't Tinker!
Take a good stock-picking strategy and tweak it a bit to make it better — many investors do just that, and it sounds like a good idea, right? Nope, writes…
Warren Pieces: Franchises vs. Businesses
A periodic look through the archives of the greatest investor in history In Berkshire Hathaway’s 1991 Letter to Shareholders, Warren Buffett talked about the differences between “franchises” and “businesses”. Below…
Warren Pieces: Pessimism Is Your Friend
A periodic look through the archives of the greatest investor in history In Berkshire Hathaway’s 1990 Letter to Shareholders, Warren Buffett talked about his approach toward market fluctuations. Below is…
Greenblatt's Approach: Magic, or Discipline?
While people often use the words simple and easy to describe the same thing, there’s a big difference — a difference Validea CEO John Reese says has big implications in…
O'Shaughnessy: Data Says Stay Away From Glamour
Investors are continually attracted tho “glamour stocks” — those popular, flashy picks that are always being talked about. But quantitative investing guru James O’Shaughnessy says history shows those exciting stocks…
Fisher On The Small-Cap Myth
In his latest column, Kenneth Fisher looks back on some of the lessons he’s learned over his 30 years as a Forbes columnist. (more…)
Yardeni: Bull May Be In Final Phase
Top strategist Ed Yardeni thinks we may well have moved into the final phase of the bull market. (more…)
Buy What You Know -- But Be Careful
“Buy what you know” — the great Peter Lynch said investors could succeed by taking that approach. But in a column for Seeking Alpha, Validea CEO John Reese says not…
Warren Pieces: Buffett On What Risk Really Means
A periodic look through the archives of the greatest investor in history In Berkshire Hathaway’s 1993 Letter to Shareholders, Warren Buffett offered his thoughts on risk. Below is an excerpt…