Looking For Imperfection In Stocks

If you’re like most investors, you gravitate toward popular, hot stocks. But John Buckingham of Al Frank Asset Management and The Prudent Speculator newsletter says you’re better off keying on…

AQR Takes On "Momentum Myths"

Momentum stocks have taken a hit recently, but those who say that indicates momentum investing is not a profitable long term approach are dead wrong, say the authors of a…

Fama, French, Buffett & Value

In his latest column for Forbes.com, Validea CEO John Reese looks at the implications of new research from renowned finance professors Kenneth French and Eugene Fama that turns conventional thinking…

OSAM On How To Beat The Tax Man

Often times, investors overlook a key part of portfolio management when buying and selling stocks: tax impact. But in a recent research report, quantitative investing guru James O’Shaughnessy’s firm offers…