PIMCO: The Case for Commodities

The commodities boom that occurred in the late 90s and much of the 2000s may be over, but PIMCO thinks that commodities are still a very worthwhile investment going forward.…

The Trouble with Mean Reversion

Mean reversion is a key part of many investors’ strategies, and right now some are pointing to above-the-mean cyclically-adjusted price/earnings ratios as a sign that stocks are overvalued. But Morningstar Vice…

The Stock-Pickers Market Returns ...

After years of stocks appearing to move in lock-step, could we finally be returning to a “stock-pickers market”? The Wall Street Journal’s Steven Russolillo says the data indicates that may…

Hulbert: Buy and Hold Still Wins

If you’ve spent time lately trying to figure out when the four-plus-year bull market will come to an end, Mark Hulbert has a message for you: Stop kidding yourself. “The…