Reese on the Cash Conundrum

In his latest column for Canada’s Globe and Mail, Validea CEO John Reese takes a look at  what happens when investors get to cash happy. Looking at data from Blackrock,…

OSAM: How To Win In Emerging Markets

Emerging markets can make for enticing investments, and new research from James O’Shaughnessy’s firm shows how fundamental-focused investors can really take advantage of EM opportunities. “U.S. investors, and other investors…

... Or Does It?

In our previous post, we highlighted the “low-volatility effect” — the historical tendency for lower-volatility stocks to outperform higher-volatility issues. But IndexUniverse’s Elisabeth Kashner says the issue may be more…

Keep It Simple (But Not Too Simple)

Listen to many market pundits and prognosticators, and they will make the stock market seem like a completely understandable world that, with time and dedication, can be mastered. But in…