ECRI Says U.S. In Recession

Lakshman Achuthan of the Economic Cycle Research Institute says the U.S. economy is in recession. Achuthan, who had been forecasting a recession by mid-2012 for the past several months, tells…

Momentum Not Dead, According to Study

Are momentum-focused investment strategies dead? MarketWatch’s Mark Hulbert recently highlighted some new data that indicates they are not. Hulbert says that after “spectacular losses” in parts of 2008 and 2009…

Ritholtz on the "Uncertainty Trope"

Many have been blaming the stock market’s and economy’s recent troubles on uncertainty — uncertainty about Europe, uncertainty about the U.S.’ own debt situation, uncertainty about the regulatory environment. But…

Fisher: Don't Succumb to Euro Fears

Forbes‘ Kenneth Fisher says investors shouldn’t let European debt fears drive them out of the market, and says he’s finding good value in stocks. Noting that the column marks his…

Bet Against Beta Like Buffett

According to a new study, Warren Buffett has been able to produce exceptional stock market returns over the long haul not because of value investing, but instead by focusing on…