Fisher: Buy on Fear

Kenneth Fisher says that fears of a eurozone collapse and a double-dip recession in the U.S. continue to be overblown, and thinks stocks are positioned well heading into 2012. “Sentiment…

Focus on Facts, Not Fear, Says Rogers

In his latest Forbes column, John W. Rogers Jr. stresses the importance of staying rational amid market turbulence, and says he’s bullish on the financial sector because investors have been…

Cooperman, Gabelli, Whitman Talk Value

The latest issue of Columbia Business School’s Graham & Doddsville newsletter features interviews with three top investors, Leon Cooperman, Mario Gabelli, and Marty Whitman. (Tip of the cap to…

The Strategy Behind Buffett's Success

In an interview with CNBC, Validea CEO John Reese talks about his Warren Buffett-inspired strategy, and some stocks it’s high on right now. Reese explains how his model uses Buffett-based…