Crisis Predictors Offer Advice

Three of the financial minds who warned of the current credit crisis — Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch’s Richard Bernstein, PIMCO’s Paul McCulley, and author and former Wall Streeter Richard…

What to Expect from Here

How quickly will stocks rebound when the current bear market ends (if it hasn’t already done so)? The New York Times’ Paul Lim offers some interesting data on that subject…

Good Quant, Bad Quant

MarketWatch’s Paul Farrell recently offered up a scathing critique of “quants”, complete with this eye-catching subhead: “By Predicting Your Behavior, Quants Control Your Mind, Money, the Markets”. Since I run…

Shiller: It's The Psychology, Stupid

Don’t underestimate the impact psychology has on the stock market and economy — that’s the message Yale economist and housing crisis predictor Robert Shiller recently gave during a lecture at…