The Short Side of Activist Investing

A recent Bloomberg Gadfly piece observes that “investors who make bearish bets on stocks and then lay out their case publicly” have delivered a “performance as a whole [that] is…

Sell-in-May Effect Appears Real

Joachim Klement, a trustee of the CFA Institute Research Foundation, concludes in The Enterprising Investor that the “sell-in-May effect” (also known as the “Halloween indicator”) “seems real and persistent.” As…

Tetlock On What Makes A Good Forecaster

How often are supposedly “expert” forecasters’ predictions right? A lot less often than you might think, according to researcher Philip Tetlock. But in a recent interview on Barry Ritholtz’s Masters…

When Should You Rebalance?

Like many quantitative investors, Validea CEO John P. Reese uses a strict rebalancing approach to portfolio management. But just how often should you rebalance your portfolio? Reese says it may…