Siegel Sees Win-Win for Stocks

Author and Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel has taken a lot of heat for his bullish predictions over the past couple years. But he’s largely been on the money — and…

What's Your Advantage?

If you don’t want to put all your faith in luck, you need to have an advantage to beat the market over the long haul. But The Motley Fool’s Morgan…

Achuthan Standing By Recession Call

Economic Cycle Research Institute chief Lakshman Achuthan stands by the well-respected group’s claim that a recession started last year. “Growth is not there,” Achuthan recently told Bloomberg Television, adding that…

Fisher Sees Bargains Across The Pond

While the British stock market has been much maligned in recent years, top strategist Kenneth Fisher sees opportunities in the U.K. “From an investor standpoint Great Britain has been plagued…