BusinessWeek recently took a look at the dilemma facing value investors right now — that is, with the economic outlook still extremely hazy, the big recent rally generating predictions of…
Bogle on What "Long-Term" Really Means, and Stock-Picking Dangers
Jack Bogle covers a wide variety of topics in a recent interview with The Motley Fool, including just what the “long-term” in “long-term investing” should mean, why traders usually lose…
10-Year P/E: Stocks at Fair Value
After years of being overvalued by one of the tougher value metrics — the 10-year P/E ratio made famous by Yale economist Robert Shiller — stocks finally appeared undervalued a…
Yes, Green Shoots -- and More, Sonders Says
Like Barry Ritholtz, Charles Schwab Chief Investment Strategist Liz Ann Sonders isn’t buying talk that the recession will end in late 2009 — but that’s because she thinks it has…
Ritholtz: What Green Shoots?
Barry Ritholtz of Fusion IQ and The Big Picture blog thinks the talk of a housing recovery and a general economic recovery are very premature, and that what we’re experiencing…
Bear Market Winners: A Good Long-Term Bet?
Given the major trauma the events of 2008 and early 2009 had on investors, it might seem hard to blame someone for latching onto the advice of the relatively few…
Buckingham: Time for Value
Recently, we highlighted a study performed by Russell Investments that found value stocks typically begin to overtake growth stocks “almost immediately” when the economy bottoms. Today, John Buckingham of Al…
Bull Runs: How they Happen
Money magazine recently offered some interesting data on the relationship between the economy and the stock market. In the chart below, you can see how the market, on average, has…
The Wisdom of Lynch & Templeton
Here’s an oldie but a very, very goodie — a Louis Rukeyser interview with Peter Lynch and the late John Templeton. The exact date of the video (posted on YouTube…
Forester Says We've Seen the Bottom
Tom Forester, whose Forester Value was the only stock mutual fund to end 2008 in the black, says he believes the market has bottomed, but that stocks are now in…