Bitcoin Grows Up
Bitcoin Grows Up

By Justin J. Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau) —  Bitcoin has gone from JV to Varsity, and now has a valuation as high as some of the world’s top companies. Turning 12 years…

Bitcoin ETF Could Be Real in 2021
Bitcoin ETF Could Be Real in 2021

While exchange-traded cryptocurrency ETFs have yet to be allowed in the U.S. due to concerns about “potential manipulation and thin liquidity,” a recent Bloomberg article reports that, “with the world’s…

Yale, Harvard and Others Buying Bitcoin
Yale, Harvard and Others Buying Bitcoin

Some large university endowments have been “quietly buying cryptocurrency for the past year or so through accounts held at Coinbase and other exchanges,” according to a recent article in Coindesk.…

Bitcoin for Your Portfolio?
Bitcoin for Your Portfolio?

Bitcoin investors have been on a “wild ride lately,” and the cryptocurrency has even been attracting more interest from mainstream investors, but there are “reasons to be skeptical” according to…

Hulbert on Why Bitcoin is Overpriced
Hulbert on Why Bitcoin is Overpriced

In a recent article for Barron’s, contributor Mark Hulbert shares insights related to a recent cryptocurrency valuation analysis that concluded Bitcoin is priced “more than 50% higher than its fair…

MassMutual Buys $100 Million in Bitcoin
MassMutual Buys $100 Million in Bitcoin

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. purchased $100 million of bitcoin for its general investment account, “the latest sign of mainstream acceptance” of the digital currency. This according to a recent…