In the vast ocean of investment strategies, momentum investing stands out as a surfboard that catches the biggest waves. Unlike its more intuitive cousins such as value or quality investing,…
Tag: Featured
Five Fundamentally Sound Low Beta Stocks for Volatile Markets
In today’s unpredictable financial landscape, investors are increasingly seeking ways to help mitigate risk. One strategy that can make sense is focusing on low beta stocks that also demonstrate solid…
Validea's Market Valuation Update: September 2024
Here is the latest update for September from Validea’s market valuation tool. Rather than focusing on market-cap weighted indexes like the S&P 500, our tool focuses on the valuation of…
The Harsh Truth About Investing Edge with Adam Butler
In this episode of Excess Returns, we sit down with our good friend Adam Butler, co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of ReSolve Asset Management. We cover a lot of ground,…
Three Dividend Aristocrats That Warren Buffett Might Like
Dividend Aristocrats are a select group of S&P 500 companies that have increased their dividend payouts for at least 25 consecutive years. This impressive track record demonstrates a commitment to…
Ten Energy Stocks Passing the Models of Great Investors
The energy sector remains a vital part of the global economy, despite ongoing challenges and the increasing focus on renewable energy. Recent fluctuations in commodity prices, driven by geopolitical events…
Five David Einhorn Holdings That Pass the Fundamental Tests of Great Investors
David Einhorn is a prominent hedge fund manager and the founder of Greenlight Capital. Known for his value-oriented investment approach and activist investing, Einhorn rose to fame in the financial…
Validea's Top Ten Warren Buffett Stocks - September 2024
Validea’s Warren Buffett strategy, also known as our “Patient Investor” strategy, is inspired by the investment principles of Warren Buffett, as interpreted from the book Buffettology by Mary Buffett. This strategy aims…
The Case Against Value Investing
In this episode of Two Quants and a Financial Planner, we tackle a question that is on many investor’s minds: Is value investing dead? We explore various arguments for and…
NVIDIA Reported Earnings This Week: Here is How it Stacks Up Fundamentally
NVIDIA (NVDA) reported strong financial results this week for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025, ending July 28, 2024, although the stock sold off some due to the high…