Many investors think that the best way to maximum their spending rate in retirement is to invest in the asset classes with the highest long-term returns. And that is true…
Tag: Featured
Four Ways Value Investors Can Use Momentum
By Jack Forehand, CFA, CFP® (@practicalquant) — I have probably talked too exhaustively now in my articles about my natural preference for value investing. Feeling like I am buying something for less than…
Constructing a Crypto Index with Jeremy Schwartz and Michael Batnick
Many crypto investors tend to build their own portfolios and focus on the major coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But the crypto space is much more than that. Trying to…
The Five Biggest Mistakes I Have Made in My Career Managing Quant Strategies
By Jack Forehand, CFA, CFP® (@practicalquant) — It is hard to believe that I am coming up on twenty years of running quantitative investing strategies. And in those twenty years, I have probably…
Breaking Down the Russia Ukraine Conflict with Epsilon Theory’s Ben Hunt
The Russian Ukraine conflict has been a challenging one for many of us to understand. In this episode, we speak with Ben Hunt of Epsilon Theory to help us understand…
5 Two-by-Two Matrixes That Can Help You Become A Better Investor
By Justin Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau) — Imagine if all your investing decisions could be boiled down to a few simple matrixes. It would make investing, which can be complicated and complex,…
Ten Great Investors Share the One Lesson They Would Teach the Average Investor
When we started Excess Returns, we stayed away from having a standard closing question for guests because we couldn’t come up with one that summed up the knowledge of our…
Lessons From the Rise and Fall of ARK
By Jack Forehand, CFA, CFP® (@practicalquant) — Fundamental value investors like me tend to get jealous when a new growth investor comes on the scene and generates huge returns. We go through various…
Dual Momentum Investing with Gary Antonacci
In this episode, we speak with Gary Antonacci about his Dual Momentum investing approach. We look at both absolute and relative momentum individually, and the pros and cons of the…
Gamma, Vanna, Charm and the Impact of Options on the Stock Market with Jason DeLorenzo
While many investors are likely familiar with options, their impact on the stock market is much less understood. When an investor buys an option, it can kick off a series…