Considerations in Momentum Investing

By Justin J. Carbonneau (@jjcarbonneau) —  About a week ago CNBC had a piece that broke down how much the largest, best performing stocks have contributed to the overall market’s…

Momentum Investing Works Until it Doesn’t

A recent article in InvestmentNews highlights how momentum investing—buying shares of whatever is rising the fastest and selling when these stocks “lose steam”–has been performing well of late. However, the…

Hulbert Says Momentum Investing Lives

There are still good reasons for investors to pursue a momentum strategy, writes Mark Hulbert in a recent Wall Street Journal article. He offers data collected by Eugene Fama (University…

Adding Momentum to Your Portfolio

The tendency of recent market performance to persist, an effect known as momentum, has been pervasive even though it is a “blatant violation” of what you would expect in an…