Interest rates and inflation have a much greater role in stock market valuations than you might think, and that means the stock market is on a “very dangerous” path, according…
Tag: Rob Arnott
Arnott on the Three D Hurricane, and The Three Pillars
In the latest installment of Forbes’ Intelligent Investing, indexing guru Rob Arnott talks about the notion of fundamental indexing, and why he thinks it’s a much better system than typical…
Arnott: Look to Alternative Investments to Battle Inflation
Saying that a “3-D Hurricane” — debt, deficits, and demographics — is lingering on the horizon for the U.S., Rob Arnott is taking several steps to prepare his portfolio for…
Demographics, Growth, and Stock & Bond Returns
We recently highlighted data about the changing demographic make-up of the U.S., and the issue of what that means for the economy and stock market. Now, a new study shows…
The Shiller P/E: In Need of a Revision?
Does the “Shiller P/E” need a revamp? Some well-known strategists say yes, but others — including Yale Economist Robert Shiller himself — say no. While most strategists and publications use…
Arnott: Now Not Time to Add Risk
Research Affiliates’ Rob Arnott says the U.S.’s debt problems may not come home to roost in the short term, but they have him very concerned about the long term. “I…
Arnott Still Focused on Inflation, Not Deflation
While many investors and commentators have raised fears of deflation recently, Rob Arnott of PIMCO and Research Affiliates still has his eye on potential inflation — and the opportunities it…
Arnott: Investors Looking in Wrong Places for Sovereign Debt
In his latest newsletter (click here for a PDF version), Research Affiliates’ Rob Arnott offers some interesting data on sovereign debt — data that indicates many investors are buying up…
Arnott Sees Slip Back into Recession -- and then Big Opportunities
Research Affiliates’ Rob Arnott says he thinks the expiration of the Bush Administration tax cuts at the end of this year will be the catalyst for another recession, and that…
Arnott Sees Double-Dip -- and Inflation -- on Horizon
In Consuelo Mack’s latest WealthTrack interview, Research Affiliates’ Rob Arnott discusses the “fundamental indexing” system he developed, and talks about where he sees the market going from here. Arnott, whose…