Value Investing Offers Diversification
Value Investing Offers Diversification

The value investing strategy—acquiring shares of companies that are trading below their fair market value—had fallen out of favor in the 2010-2020 decade as high growth businesses dominated the market.…

Value Investing Opportunities in Asia
Value Investing Opportunities in Asia

In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Ken Wong of Eastspring Investments said that because the Fed’s interest rate hikes aren’t necessarily factoring in the continuing war in Ukraine, China’s ongoing…

Value Investing Has Changed
Value Investing Has Changed

In a sign of the changing times, tech giant Meta Platforms was bumped into the value stock benchmark Russell 1000 Value Index as a result to lowered earnings growth. While…

The Many Different Flavors of Value
The Many Different Flavors of Value

Many investors believe that all value investing strategies are similar. When it comes to getting exposure to value, they think the many value funds that are out there are mostly…

There’s Nothing Wrong With Value
There’s Nothing Wrong With Value

The underperformance of value funds has been a hotly debated topic over the last decade. But a statistic may have distorted that narrative, according to an interview in Institutional Investor…