Validea’s Warren Buffett strategy, also known as our “Patient Investor” strategy, is inspired by the investment principles of Warren Buffett, as interpreted from the book Buffettology by Mary Buffett. This strategy aims to emulate Buffett’s long-term, value-based approach to investing.
The strategy looks for firms with consistent earnings over the past decade, consistently high return on equity and total capital, strong cash flows and reasonable valuations.
Here are the top ten highest scoring stocks for November 2024. The number of stocks meeting 100% of the strategies tests has fallen significantly since last month. The primary reason is rising interest rates, which have made the earnings yield on stocks less attractive relative to bonds according to the strategy’s criteria.
Discover how Validea’s Warren Buffett-inspired ‘Patient Investor’ strategy can help you identify high-quality, long-term investments even in changing market conditions. Visit to access in-depth stock analysis and tools designed to emulate Buffett’s proven investment principles. Start investing like the Oracle of Omaha today!

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