During these post-Brexit days when hanging crepe seems to be the favorite pastime, one has to wonder why so many folks default to gloom-and-doom scenarios. Morgan Housel of The Motley…
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The Wall Street Journal’s Zweig Addresses Market Volatility
Investors often perceive the stock market as more volatile than it is, according to the latest newsletter from Matarin Capital Management (which oversees approximately $700 million in assets). In a…
Bloomberg Gadfly Kaissar Refutes Conventional Wisdom on Value Investing
We’ve seen growth stocks outperform value for a decade, says Bloomberg Gadfly Nir Kaissar, so some investors are thinking it’s time for the tide to turn. He cites evidence in…
Harvard Professor’s View of a Sick Economy
If you were to view the current economic situation through the lens of a medical doctor, you might see that the patient’s illness fails to offer an obvious diagnosis. At…
5 Utility Stocks with Attractive Company Fundamentals
The utility sector has been performing well, and its shares offer the stability close to that of bonds without the paltry returns. In a recent article for the TheStreet.com, John…
Chuck Royce – 4 Decade Small Cap Manager Talks Value's Ultimate Rebound and the Downside of Indexing
Chuck Royce, small cap stock picker and pioneer, recently sat down with Consuelo Mack of WealthTrack to discuss his thoughts on the recent slump of value vs. growth stocks as…
Brexit Backlash on U.S. Economy
Although top finance officials claim the damage caused by the U.K.’s exit from the EU isn’t enough to trigger the U.S. into a contraction, a falling pound and euro could…
The Fool’s Housel on Brexit: Hurry Up and Wait
Thursday’s vote by the U.K. to leave the European Union has precipitated a host of commentary across countless channels. Last Friday, Morgan Housel of The Motley Fool offered frank advice…
Allianz’s El-Erian Discusses Brexit
According to Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz, there is a common thread running through Brexit, claims of inconsistency in the Fed’s actions, the rise of negative interest rates…
The S&P 500: Read the Fine Print
If you’re making an argument for passive investing, you’d probably point out that it’s less expensive, it’s tax efficient, and has paid off over long periods of time. In a…