Berkshire Hathaway recently disclosed that it purchased $1 billion of Apple stock, which deviates from Buffett’s typical mentality to avoid technology stocks because he doesn’t understand them. The Apple purchase…
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Big Opportunity In Small Stocks?
It’s no secret that the market doesn’t look too cheap right now. In fact, by many measures, it’s overpriced. But the difference in the valuation of small stocks and large…
Charles Brandes Gives Tips for Savvy Value Investing
Charles Brandes, founder and Chairman of Brandes Investment Partners, is a disciple of the Benjamin Graham school of value investing. He has made much of his wealth managing funds that…
Billionaire Ray Dalio Calls Himself a “Professional Mistake Maker”
It seems that being a billionaire doesn’t necessarily overshadow one’s humility. Ray Dalio runs Bridgewater Associates, the world’s biggest hedge fund, which he started in a two-bedroom apartment 40 years…
Sell In May Works -- But Be Careful
In his latest column for Canada’s Globe and Mail, Validea CEO John P. Reese says that while the “Sell in May” phenomenon seems to be a real force in the…
What are Investor Returns, Really?
There is some confusion around why the total investor return data published by Morningstar differs from the returns that investors are actually earning. Russ Kinnel, director of manager research for…
Top Value Investor Chris Davis on the Value in Financials
Chris Davis, chairman of the value investing shop, Davis Advisors, and portfolio manager of multiple Davis funds including the Davis Financial Fund, talks about a wide range of investing topics…
Buffett’s Protégés and the Road to Apple
Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha”, doesn’t seem to be slowing down at the ripe age of nearly 86. Still, the buzz around when he’ll pass the baton continues, with…
Doll on the Markets Positives and Negatives on Today’s Market
In a recent Barron’s article, Nuveen Asset Management’s Chief Equity Strategist Bob Doll says that, despite disappointing first quarter results and apparent earnings struggles, consumer spending will be a healthy…
Soros Beefs Up Hedge against the S&P 500
Soros Fund Management has doubled its put option (the right to sell shares at a specified price) on the SPDR S&P 500 exchange-traded fun (which tracks the benchmark U.S. index),…