Jamie Harmon, Portfolio Manager of Fidelity Advisor Small Cap, shared some takeaways from his 18 years of attendance at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. In an interview with Andrew Daniels…
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Tepper, Dalio, Gundlach on Opportunities and Risks in Today’s Market
Investment heavy weights, including David Tepper of Appaloosa Management and Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates recently shared their market insights with Forbes. Tepper’s view on the US market is that…
Concentrated Investing: “Go Big or Go Home”
Concentrated funds, such as Putnam Capital Spectrum Fund and Putnam Equity Spectrum Fund, seem to take the active manager’s maxim “go big or go home” further than most, according to…
Follow Buffett’s Lead and Focus on Value + Quality
Investors might be surprised to know that Warren Buffett, perhaps the greatest investor of all time, is a big fan of indexing. For instance, “He has already declared that 90…
Investing in Small Caps – Beware of Style Drift & Avoid Junk
If you are investing in small cap stocks, it is important not to make these two big mistakes writes Mark Hulbert for Barrron’s, because after few years of lackluster relative…
The Payoff and Perils of Momentum-based Stocks
Many investors follow momentum-based methods or approaches when investing in equities, but does momentum investing actually work and what are the results? This is the basis for a recent AAII…
Four Conditions Reminiscent of 1999
Rob Arnott, founder and chairman of Research Affiliates, says that the recent market environment is reminiscent of 1999, just before the tech bubble burst. Writing in Barron’s, Arnott argues that…
Popularity and Price Increase for "Low Vol" Funds
“Low volatility” funds have surged in popularity recently as investors have poured nearly $10 billion into them so far in 2016, which has significantly increased their price. At the end…
“Keep Extra Dry Powder,” Says Osterweis Capital Management Founder
John Osterweis, founder, chairman and chief investment officer of Osterweis Capital Management advises investors to hold onto more cash than usual due to the recent ambivalence and mood swings in…
Buffett Preaches the Virtues of Passive Investing for Most Investors
Warren Buffett delivered a “sermon” (his word) at the annual Berkshire Hathaway investors meeting. His message? “All the commercial push is behind telling you that you ought to think about…