Morningstar profiled its Fund Managers of the Year, including the fixed income, allocation and alternative categories. The Fixed-Income Fund Manager of the Year was Jerome Schneider for the PIMCO…
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Bottom Up Stock Picking Helps US Fund Achieve Morningstar's 2015 Fund Manager of the Year
Morningstar profiled its Fund Managers of the Year for 2015 recently. Managers are nominated by Morningstar analysts in four categories – equity, fixed income, multi-asset, and alternatives – and selected…
Murky Outlook Suggests Selecting Value Stocks Says Dreman
David Dreman of Dreman Value Management says, “the outlook for the market couldn’t be murkier” in a Forbes column. He notes that corporate revenues and profits for the S&P 500…
Picks From Tom Forester, A Manager Who Made a Profit in 2008
Forbes briefly profiles the stock picks of Tom Forester, the fund manager who achieved a slight gain in 2008 when the S&P 500 plunged 37%. Forbes reports that he identifies…
4 Questions to Ask Before Selling in a Volatile Market
A recent MarketWatch article observes, “when the stock market is [as] nerve-wracking as it has been, investors need to make sure that any decisions they make are part of the…
Top Hedge Fund Wins by Controlling Risk and Seeing the Big Picture
Barron’s profiles Andrew Sandler of Sandler Capital Management because he is one of few hedge fund managers to come out ahead in 2015. “I’m very risk-averse by nature,” Sandler said,…
Dividend Paying Stocks Could be Riskier Than You Think
An article in Barron’s suggests that “dividend-paying stocks might not be as safe as they look.” Many “companies have been raising their dividends while their earnings growth has slowed or…
Current Downturn is a Good Time to Pick Stocks, Says Mario Gabelli
Mario Gabelli of GAMCO told CNBC that he thinks the downturn “is good. This is what markets are supposed to do. Psychology and human behavior is supposed to give you…
Technical Analysis – Holy Grail, Fools Game or Somewhere In-between?
A recent article in Kiplinger explores technical analysis and its role in investment decision-making. The article suggests such analysis “works best when it’s part of a holistic look at the…
Four Lessons for Investing in the Current Market Environment
Bob Browne of Northern Trust said the current market environment is “nothing like 1998,” except perhaps for this similarity: “so much risk but so much opportunity.” Speaking at the CFA…