On the Wall Street Journal’s “Total Return” blog, Jason Zweig highlights research that indicates human beings have an “optimism bias” — that is, we learn more from our successes than we…
Category: Behavioral Finance
Arnott: We're In Recession; Emerging Markets Attractive
Rob Arnott of PIMCO and Research Affiliates says there are “pretty high odds” that the economy is in the second dip of a double-dip recession, and thinks emerging market stocks…
Greenblatt Seeing Plenty of Value
Hedge fund guru Joel Greenblatt thinks the next year is setting up to be a good one for stocks. “Not only is the market cheap, but the value opportunity is…
Cohen: Stop Obsessing Over Short-Term Swings
Longtime fund manager Hersh Cohen says investors are far too myopic, and allow short-term market swings to drive decision-making in ways that often lead to underperformance. Cohen also tells WealthTrack’s Consuelo…
Herro: "Real" Economy Doing Well
Oakmark’s David Herro — who last year was named one of Morningstar’s Fund Managers of the Decade — says that European debt fears and dire predictions about the global economy…
Berkowitz: For Banks, Focus on Today's Data -- Not Unfounded Future Fears
Bruce Berkowitz, who in 2010 was named one of Morningstar’s Fund Managers of the Decade but has been hit hard in the past year, says he continues to be high…
Fisher: Ignore "Chittering Chimpanzee" Pundits
Kenneth Fisher says investors’ short memories are causing them to fall prey to overblown fears about the economy and stock market, and says he thinks stocks will make some nice…
Herro: This Isn't 2008; Values Abound In Quality Stocks
Morningstar Fund Manager of the Decade David Herro says the market is littered with cheap quality stocks right now, as investors erroneously compare the current financial situation to the crisis…
Meredith Whitney, The Bull?
While she’s known for her bearish calls, including her prescient prediction of the banking crisis that hit the U.S. in 2008, analyst Meredith Whitney says she’s seeing “incredible opportunities” for…
Baron: Stocks Cheap, Economy Better Than You Think
Top hedge fund manager Ron Baron says that the recent market turmoil is not signaling another 2008-like crash. In his latest quarterly letter, Baron says that after Lehman Brothers collapsed…