Biggs: It's Never Different

While some say we’ve entered an economic and investing world in which things are “different this time”, hedge fund guru Barton Biggs tells Bloomberg that “the world is never different”,…

Experts vs. Models: Who Wins?

A few recent articles have offered some very interesting data on the merits of quantitative analysis, and the limits of “expert” analysis. One is a review of Ian Ayres’…

A Different Take on Valuations

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab’s chief investment strategist, says in her latest market commentary that the recent downturn helped temper some of the investor optimism that was becoming “troublesome”, and…

Bogle: Keep It Simple

In an interview with Texas’ The Statesman, Vanguard’s John Bogle says the key to successful investing is keeping things simple, and not allowing short-term performance to impact your decisions. “[The…