Fisher: Keep Buying While Sentiment's Weak

As we enter the second year of the bull market that began last March, Kenneth Fisher remains high on stocks.

“One year into the current bull market I like what I see,” Fisher writes in his latest Forbes column. “Globally improving fundamentals plus strong societal skepticism. Snarky, cranky sentiment and better fundamentals are the classic ingredients of the second phase of bull markets.”

Fisher says economic data continues to show improvement and be better than expected, though many are dismissing that data. “In part this is because the fastest recoveries from the recession are happening in the 25% of global GDP found in emerging markets countries,” he says. “Maybe it’s unnerving that China and Brazil are leading us. Americans are way too U.S.-focused.”

Fisher is particularly pleased with the continued negative sentiment in the blogosphere, calling the skepticism “wise-guy thick”. He says that when “anyone posts something positive … they get pounded by the wiseacres. … This is the wall of worry bull markets classically climb. So be bullish while the sentiment’s sour — and keep buying good companies at reasonable prices.” Read the full article for some picks Fisher says fit the bill.

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