When it comes to assessing the state of the economy, gross domestic product has long been viewed by many as something close to gospel. But the government will soon begin…
Category: Historical Lessons
9% Returns Ahead for Stocks?
In March 2009, Barron’s began a series of articles on long term stock performance, with one of the main conclusions being that when stocks have below average returns over a…
Why Buffett Is Not The World's Best Value Investor
Warren Buffett is often called the greatest value investor in the world. But in his latest column for Forbes.com, Validea CEO John Reese takes issue with the notion. “My issue…
Fisher Says Bull Far From Done
Top strategist Kenneth Fisher says the bull market has a long ways to run. “We’re moving slowly into the back half of the bull market,” Fisher tells Think Advisor. “[Great…
Sonders: Long Term Prognosis Still Bullish
Though some have grown concerned that the stock market is overheated, top strategist Liz Ann Sonders of Charles Schwab thinks the long term picture remains good. “The growing cries that…
For Greenblatt, Simplicity Equals Success
In his latest RealMoney column, Validea CEO John Reese takes a look at Joel Greenblatt’s remarkably simple — and remarkably successful — investment strategy. “For many years, I have been…
Hulbert: High Sentiment Won't Cause A Bear
MarketWatch’s Mark Hulbert says that stock market sentiment has recently reached “dangerous proportions”, but also says that means little for longer term market performance. In a recent column, Hulbert said…
Buy It Like Buffett
Every other issue of The Validea Hot List newsletter examines in detail one of John Reese’s computerized Guru Strategies. This latest issue looks at the Warren Buffett-inspired strategy and portfolio,…
Achuthan, ECRI: We're Still in Recession
Lakshman Achuthan of the Economic Cycle Research Institute continues to say that the U.S. is in a recession that began in the middle of 2012. Achuthan tells Bloomberg Surveillance that…
Examining a Growth Strategy Up 60%+ this Year
In his latest column for Nasdaq.com, Validea CEO John Reese says that at this stage in the bull market, high-quality growth stocks look attractive. “When you get deeper into a…