Oberweis: Don't Ditch Buy-and-Hold

While buy-and-hold investing continues to draw criticism from some pundits, money manager and newsletter guru Jim Oberweis begs to differ. In a recent interview with The Motley Fool, Oberweis says…

Buckingham: Time for Value

Recently, we highlighted a study performed by Russell Investments that found value stocks typically begin to overtake growth stocks “almost immediately” when the economy bottoms. Today, John Buckingham of Al…

Bull Runs: How they Happen

Money magazine recently offered some interesting data on the relationship between the economy and the stock market. In the chart below, you can see how the market, on average, has…

Fisher on the Dem Bounce

In his latest Forbes column, Kenneth Fisher offers one interesting reason why he thinks stocks are a good bet to end the year in positive territory. According to Fisher, since…

Zweig: WWGD? (What Would Graham Do?)

Writing sixty years to the day after Benjamin Graham’s classic The Intelligent Investor was published, Jason Zweig says that Graham would be cautious amid a market like this one. “Today…