Fisher Welcomes Gridlock, Likes Emerging Market Airlines

With the mid-term elections in the rear-view mirror, Kenneth Fisher says gridlock should be upon us — and that’s a good thing for stocks.

“We haven’t had a negative stock market return in either the 6 or 12 months following a midterm election since World War II,” Fisher writes in his latest Forbes column. “It’s typically a time when the volume of political noise gets ratcheted down from the blaring levels of the midterm election year. Look forward to the gridlock of the coming year, because little gets accomplished. If you hate politicians as much as I do you’ll find this quiet marvelous. Markets do!”

Fisher also says he welcomes continued negative sentiment about stocks. “It’s been a good year,” he says. “[But] sentiment remains grumpy and cautious, and as a value-oriented investor I am thankful for this, too. Worriers tend to fuel bull markets.”

One area Fisher is particularly high on: emerging markets airlines. He says they usually sell at bargain prices, as “the troubled history of developed market airlines unfairly taints these stocks. In the emerging world they’re growth stocks.” Read the full article for Fisher’s emerging market airlines picks, as well as his buys and sells from some other industries.

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