Jim Rogers Sees A Global Bear Market Coming


Jim Rogers, known for the 4,200% gain he and partner George Soros secured over a decade in the 1970s, told a Barron’s interviewer that he sees a significant bear market coming.

“In America we’ve had economic setbacks every 4 to 7 years since the beginning of the Republic and chances are that we’re certainly getting closer to being due . . . and the next bear market is going to be worse than most of us have experienced because the debt is so much higher.”  He also noted that right now “is the first time in recorded history that you’ve had all the major central banks printing staggering amounts of money.””

When asked about recommendations for commodities investments, Rogers was very positive on agriculture: “It has been a nightmare industry for a long time and that’s got to change. I would certainly buy agriculture.” After discussing other possibilities, he summarized: “I would buy agriculture with both feet, energy with a toe, and watch the others.”” Regarding currency investments, he noted “my largest currency is the U.S. dollar,” continuing, “I expect some problems going forward in the world financial markets . . . as the turmoil comes, the U.S. dollar will go higher and higher.”

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