In a column for the Financial Times, money manager and columnist Whitney Tilson — one of those who predicted the housing and financial crises — discusses the “tricky” process of…
Schiff: Any Stimulus Plan Will Be Disastrous
While investors are eagerly waiting to hear what the final economic stimulus package will include, author Peter Schiff, who predicted the recent housing and stock market collapses, has been issuing…
Munger on Morality, Higher Taxes, and How The Founding Fathers Can Help Us Now
Charles Munger, Warren Buffett’s long-time sidekick at Berkshire Hathaway, offers some tough medicine for the U.S. in an editorial written for today’s Washington Post. Calling the current situation “dire”, Munger…
Hulbert: Graham's Approach Endures
In his latest MarketWatch column, Mark Hulbert wonders whether the recent market plunge has shown that “maybe Ben Graham isn’t old-fashioned after all”. Over the past couple decades, Hulbert says,…
Hot List: How to Combine Strategies to Minimize Risk, Maximize Returns
In my new book, The Guru Investor, I detail ten of the best-performing stock-picking strategies of all-time. These guru-based approaches are a great way to get a leg up on…
PIMCO Boss: A New Take on Asset Allocation
In this month’s Kiplinger’s magazine, PIMCO CEO Mohamed El-Erian offers some interesting insights into diversification and risk management in an economic world that is in great flux. According to El-Erian,…
Tilson & Heins: Look for Safer Buys in this Market
In their latest “Discovering Value” column for Kiplinger’s, Whitney Tilson and John Heins warn that investors shouldn’t give in to the temptation to swing for the fences by buying speculative…
PIMCO's Gross on Shadow Banking System -- and the Key to Getting out of The Crisis
While policy makers continue to debate what is the best way to halt the country’s financial crisis, “bond king” Bill Gross of PIMCO says it is clear what needs to…
Dreman & Dividends: Finding Value in The Market's Unloved
One of the hardest things to do as an investor is go against the grain. Being a contrarian by investing in stocks that no one else wants to touch with…
Buffett "Weighing Machine Metric": Time to Buy Stocks
A metric that Warren Buffett uses to assess the market’s valuation is now showing that it is a good time to buy stocks, Carol Loomis and Doris Burke write for…