At the end of the Super Bowl, a jubilant Tom Brady attributed the Patriot’s win to the “mental toughness” the team had demonstrated all year–which, no doubt, came in handy…
Tag: Warren Buffett
Four Small-Cap Financial Stocks to Consider
Warren Buffett knows the insurance business like the back of his hand, and openly raves about how it allows companies to “invest in other people’s money and keep all the…
Four High-Quality Picks with 3% Dividends
When Warren Buffett is on the hunt for strong companies, one of his go-to metrics is return-on-equity, writes Validea CEO John Reese in his latest article for Nasdaq. Reese explains…
French Buffett Deserves a Look
Vincent Bolloré’s investment vehicle, Bolloré SA, has outperformed Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway over the past 20 years (16.8% per year versus Berkshire’s 10.6%), but lately the “French Buffett’s” results have been…
How to Invest Like Buffett but via Factors
As the debate continues concerning how quantitative model performance compares to that of active funds, a Bloomberg article from earlier this month discusses the findings of an AQR study that…
Investing Like Buffett and Soros Could be Within Reach
New research shows that “ordinary” investors may be able to emulate the extraordinary tactics of legends such as Warren Buffett or George Soros by using factor-based strategies. This according to…
Sometimes Investing Success Means Riding Rough Road
Hedge fund manager and author Joel Greenblatt says that the majority of top mutual fund managers spent at least three years lagging well behind others, says a CNBC article by…
Buffett Could Benefit Big with Trump
President-elect Trump’s proposed corporate tax reform could be great news for Warren Buffett, according to an article in last week’s Barron’s. A drop in the tax rate from the current…
A Buffett Market Valuation Indicator
There is a mixed bag of outlooks concerning the current bull market and its staying power. In an article posted yesterday on, Validea CEO John Reese describes one metric used…
Buffett's Affinity for Insurance Stocks
Warren Buffett’s first investment foray into the insurance industry occurred with his purchase of National Indemnity Company in 1967, and his relationship with the sector has grown in spades over…