French Buffett Deserves a Look

Vincent Bolloré’s investment vehicle, Bolloré SA, has outperformed Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway over the past 20 years (16.8% per year versus Berkshire’s 10.6%), but lately the “French Buffett’s” results have been…

Buffett Could Benefit Big with Trump

President-elect Trump’s proposed corporate tax reform could be great news for Warren Buffett, according to an article in last week’s Barron’s. A drop in the tax rate from the current…

A Buffett Market Valuation Indicator

There is a mixed bag of outlooks concerning the current bull market and its staying power. In an article posted yesterday on, Validea CEO John Reese describes one metric used…

Buffett's Affinity for Insurance Stocks

Warren Buffett’s first investment foray into the insurance industry occurred with his purchase of National Indemnity Company in 1967, and his relationship with the sector has grown in spades over…