Akre On Finding "Compounding Machines"

Chuck Akre’s focused fund has been an excellent long term performer, and he recently talked with WealthTrack’s Consuelo Mack about how he targets “compounding machines” — companies that generate high…

AQR Takes On "Momentum Myths"

Momentum stocks have taken a hit recently, but those who say that indicates momentum investing is not a profitable long term approach are dead wrong, say the authors of a…

Lo On Buying Low

MIT Finance Professor Andrew Lo says that getting out of the market during though times isn’t the biggest mistake investors make — it’s failing to get back in soon enough.…

Fama, French, Buffett & Value

In his latest column for Forbes.com, Validea CEO John Reese looks at the implications of new research from renowned finance professors Kenneth French and Eugene Fama that turns conventional thinking…