Stocks Still Win, Siegel Says

Jeremy Siegel, the Wharton professor and author of Stocks for the Long Run, says that the painful losses investors endured in the recent bear market have not done anything to…

Stiglitz: Stumbling Blocks Ahead

Columbia University economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz  tells Bloomberg News that he sees rough terrain ahead for the economy, and, potentially, the markets. Stiglitz says the next quarter or…

10 Picks for a Now-Expanding Services Sector

The Institute for Supply Management released its latest services sector report this morning, and the results were encouraging: The group’s non-manufacturing index indicated that service sector activity expanded in September…

A 10-Year Bull? Yes, Says Hennessy

While many pundits are saying that the recent market turnaround won’t last, Neil Hennessy, chief investment officer of Hennessey Funds, says they’re wrong. In an interview with Yahoo! TechTicker, Hennessy…