Buy and Hold, Then Hold Some More

The old adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” can apply to many situations, and perhaps the world of investing is among them. A recent article in Investment News…

Will This Rally Be Different?

As the stock market shows signs of a rally much like that of 2015, should we be optimistic that it will reach new highs or prepare ourselves for another disappointment?…

George Soros is Feeding the Bear

In recent years, 85-year-old billionaire George Soros hasn’t done much investing of his own. He has instead focused on public philanthropy and public policy (and is a large contributor to…

Are Stocks Cheap or Expensive?

Yale’s Robert Shiller and Penn finance professor Jeremy Siegel have long dueled over whether stocks are cheap or expensive, and Daniel Fisher, of Forbes, reviews the arguments in his recent…

Making the Most of Market Anomalies

David Larrabee, Director of Member and Corporate Products at CFA Institute, gave investors an insider’s thought from the 69th CFA Institute Annual Conference in his latest article. Empirical data suggests…