Zweig on Investing Vs. Speculating

Every asset, writes Jason Zweig of The Wall Street Journal, “is an investment in some people’s hands and a speculation in others’. So it isn’t what you buy, but rather…

Benjamin Graham Inspired Picks

In his book The Intelligent Investor, the “Father of Value Investing” (and Warren Buffett’s mentor) drives home the importance of evaluating a business’s fundamentals before investing. In a recent article…

What Buffett Learned From Ben Graham

While he was no doubt born with some natural gifts, Warren Buffett didn’t become history’s greatest investor without any help. Buffett many times has praised his mentor, the late, great…

Ben Graham, Index Fund Fan?

Would Benjamin Graham, the man known as “the father of value investing” and a pioneer in security analysis, have liked plain, generic index funds? In a recent column, Jason Zweig,…