Fisher: Obama Isn't A "Market Killer"

Worried that President Obama’s re-election will be bad news for stocks? Top strategist Kenneth Fisher says that idea is hogwash. “Nonsense,” Fisher writes in discussing the Obama re-election fears in…

Where Ken Fisher Is Finding Value

Forbes’ Kenneth Fisher says not to fall in love with small-cap growth stocks at this stage of the bull market. In his latest column, Fisher says small-cap cyclicals “get all…

Fisher: Bull Only Halfway Done

While some are questioning whether the bull market is nearing its end, top strategist Kenneth Fisher says the bull is only halfway done. “People are optimistic about their own lives,…

Fisher: Think Big

Top strategist Kenneth Fisher says that the bull market has more room to run, and that investors should be looking to larger stocks as the bull run matures. “In the…

Fisher: Don't Succumb to Euro Fears

Forbes‘ Kenneth Fisher says investors shouldn’t let European debt fears drive them out of the market, and says he’s finding good value in stocks. Noting that the column marks his…