Bogle on The Next Decade
In an interview with Nightly Business Report, Vanguard founder John Bogle says he expects stocks to return an average of about 8% per year for the next decade, and adds…
Fisher Sees "Well Above Average" Returns for 2010
In his latest Forbes column, Ken Fisher says that he thinks stocks will continue to produce above average returns in 2010, though the gains won’t be as great as they’ve…
No "New Normal", but More Frequent Recessions, Says Top Forecaster
Lakshman Achuthan, managing director of the Economic Cycle Research Institute, says the U.S. economy will not enter a “new normal” of slow, anemic growth, but also says we’re headed for…
Siegel: Stocks Still Undervalued
Jeremy Siegel, the Wharton professor and Stocks for the Long Run author, thinks stocks remain undervalued, and says he expects US corporations to be producing record earnings by 2011 or…
Shiller, Case on Housing Market
Housing data has been improving in recent months, but Professors Robert Shiller and Karl Case (creators of the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices) say several potential problems are on the horizon…
The Lost Decade? Maybe Not
The general consensus in the media has been that the 2000s was a “lost decade” for stocks, with major indices like the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq…
Biggs: "Burst" of Growth in 2010, 2011 Could Push Dollar & Stocks Higher
While they’ve spent much of the past several month moving in opposite directions from each other, the dollar and the stock market now may well move upward together, according to…
Ritholtz Sees Weak Economy, Possible Gold Pullback in 2010
Barry Ritholtz of FusionIQ and The Big Picture blog offered his predictions for 2010 in this recent interview on Yahoo! TechTicker. Among the surprises Ritholtz expects: He sees a potential…