Many factor investors tend to use similar approaches. You will typically see some value and momentum in their strategies. You will also likely see some quality, and maybe even some…
Tag: Factor Investing
The Facts About Factor Timing
Factor timing seems so sensible on the surface. The idea of adding exposure to out of favor factors appeals to investors’ desires to buy low and sell high. But the…
What Makes Buffett Great. Identifying Bubbles. Importance of Intrinsic Value & More - Lessons From 100 Investing Podcasts
We have reached our 100th episode of Excess Returns. We have been privileged to speak to some of the smartest investors we know over the course of the 18 months…
A Deep Dive into Factor Investing and the Future Potential of China with Rayliant's Jason Hsu
We have had many experts in factor investing on the podcast. We have even had some who have published research in academic journals. But we haven’t had anyone who has…
Excess Returns, Ep. 27: Quality and Low Volatility: The Factors That Shouldn't Work
Investing factors that work over time typically do so for one of two reasons: they either produce an excess return by taking on additional risk or they benefit from the…
Excess Returns, Ep. 23: The Challenges of Multi-Factor Investing
The basic theory of multi-factor investing is pretty simple. It has been widely proven that factors like value and momentum can outperform the market over long periods of time. But…
Rob Arnott Claims Victory on Factor Crowding
Research Affiliates Co-Founder Rob Arnott is feeling “redeemed” after the rotation earlier this month from growth to value outperformance, according to an article in Bloomberg that says, “it smacks of…
Six Common Misconceptions About Factor-Based Strategies
By Jack Forehand, CFA (@practicalquant) Factor strategies have grown exponentially in the past decade. Almost every major asset manager now offers their variation of things like value, momentum, quality, and…
Factor Investing is Falling Short
The attempts by pension funds and endowments to earn equity premiums by incorporating factor-based funds into their portfolios has fallen short, instead leaving them with uncompensated risks. This according to…
Validea’s Justin Carbonneau on the Acquirer’s Multiple Podcast
Last week Validea Partner Justin Carbonneau was interviewed by Tobias Carlisle on the Acquirer’s Multiple Podcast. Toby and Justin discuss Validea and our approach to investing, as well as a…