Guru Strategy Rating Changes: China Mobile, Infosys on the Move
Each week, we take a look at which stocks John Reese’s Guru Strategy computer models have newfound interest in, and which they have soured on. Here’s a look at…
Validea's Reese High on High-Quality Stocks
In his latest column for Canada’s Globe & Mail, Validea CEO John Reese says that investors would be wise to focus on “high-quality” stocks, particularly given current market conditions. Reese…
Fisher on which Sectors to Target
In an interview with Bloomberg, Kenneth Fisher says that he’s high on some chemical stocks right now, for both fundamental and cyclical reasons. Fisher says the stocks that usually lead…
Gross: Where to Look when the Easing Ends
For much of the past year, Bill Gross of bond giant PIMCO has advocated “shaking hands with the government” — that is, investing in areas that benefit from the government’s…
Miller Optimistic on 2010 -- if Policy Makers Don't Falter
Value manager Bill Miller says that 2010 will be another good year for stocks, but that investors need to be very careful of ways that government actions could impact their…
Oberweis: "OOB" to Drive Stocks Higher in 2010
Newsletter guru Jim Oberweis says he thinks 2010 will be another strong year for stocks, but for different reasons than in 2009. “In contrast to 2009, when cheap valuations drove…
What an Inefficient Market Means for Investors
In his latest Wall Street Journal column, Jason Zweig offers an interesting take on the efficient market hypothesis, channeling the late, great Benjamin Graham for guidance. Zweig says that while…
Navellier: Stocks, Earnings to be Strong in Early 2010
Growth stock guru Louis Navellier says he sees a very healthy earnings environment for the first five months of 2010. He also tells Bloomberg that he expects stocks will do…