By Jack Forehand — When we started following guru-based models, the term factor investing didn’t exist. We just wanted to find a way to outperform the market, and we realized…
Tag: Ben Graham
The Investor as a Storyteller
By John P. Reese — The celebrated author Mark Twain said, “It’s not what you don’t know that kills you, it’s what you know for sure that ain’t true.” Twain’s…
Sensible Stock Picks Based on Fundamentals
While some forms of stock picking can be risky, choosing stocks based on proven strategies and underlying fundamentals can “increase an investor’s odds of enjoying outperformance over time,” writes Validea…
John Bogle Shares Thoughts on Professional and Business Values—Part 3
An essay by Vanguard founder John Bogle, published in a recent issue of the CFA Institute’s Financial Analysts Journal, offers insights and guidance concerning the need for balance between professional…
Investing Lessons from 2016 that Ben Graham May Give a Nod To
It’s the time of year when holiday party-goers lament their seasonal overindulgences and commit to “turning over a new leaf” on January 1st— promises to hit the gym every day,…
Investing Principles Part II: Identifying Value in Earnings
This section of the Tweedy Browne publication What Has Worked In Investing referenced in yesterday’s blog describes the investment approach related to low price in relation to earnings. Legendary value…